Raise your hand if you believe in existence of GOD ?
Well, till the age of 27 ,my BRAIN was completely occupied
with this belief that some higher power exists in sky which runs the world ,
which do justice according to people's deeds and who maintain order in the world.
In 2014 ,one day suddenly my mind started asking questions
on existence of that divine power ..
1.if there is GOD /DIVINE ,why so much crime in the world ,
specially terrorist can kill innocent children and any man can rape innocent girl and go unpunished .
2. If he doesn’t exist ,then what is the meaning of this
life ?
3.What should be the aspirations in our life money ,power or knowledge ?
And this intense pressure of inquiry was making me insane , I had to find the answers to make myself feel sane .I had no idea from where
will I get all answers and whom to ask , because
my rational/egoistic brain was not ready to bow
down to some GURU /MASTER .
So i started looking in to the books .
I was
introduced to spiritual book BHAGAVAD GITA in childhood ,thanks to my mother's devotional nature , so I read GITA more than 100
times in span of 6 months ,but still not satisfied with all the answers .
Then to
maintain balance of materialistic things I turned to modern day motivational and inspirational books …..I read most of the bestseller books .
few examples
power of subconscious mind
power of positive thinking
power of thinking big
power of now
awaken the giant within and many more
power of subconscious mind
power of positive thinking
power of thinking big
power of now
awaken the giant within and many more
then, Somehow I got to know about OSHO RAJNISH ,spiritual master … I read more than 10 books of him and heard more than 200 audio discourses..
after this my 80 percent doubts get solved
after this my 80 percent doubts get solved
Still ,my 20
percent questions were present
Then in 2015
came one book ,by Devdutt Pattnaik ,retelling of Bhagavad Gita
I preordered this book…
and I read
this book in one shot within 2 days .
and I felt I received something which can help me to remain sane and able to give answers of
all my questions related to world and divine .
So after reading many self help books , I can say that best ,which I have read is
this book MY GITA
let me share
,few main queries which I had .
basic emotions which exists in all humans is fear and hunger
food and protection is our basic need.
but we don’t trust other humans ,so humans in their imagination created
god ,who validates them ,the way they are .so,god is just the product of human imagination ... Be aware of your idea of God .
crime was always there in the world ,because people with animal nature can become violent anytime .
one should remain very alert to protect oneself from many human animals out there .
crime was always there in the world ,because people with animal nature can become violent anytime .
one should remain very alert to protect oneself from many human animals out there .
only humans seek meaning because that makes us validated and relevant
through suffering .
human brain has special power to give meaning to anything.
inherently life has no meaning .
inherently life has no meaning .
If you enjoy anything ,you will not ask for meaning , when you are in difficult situation in life ,you will try your best to make sense of life /that situation.
Aspirations of life
food ..survival ..self protection...
Body's basic needs .
once body's need gets fulfilled ,needs of brain takes the charge
so we chase fame ,significance ,validation and much more
based on one's nature people were classified into four groups in ancient INDIA
Body's basic needs .
once body's need gets fulfilled ,needs of brain takes the charge
so we chase fame ,significance ,validation and much more
based on one's nature people were classified into four groups in ancient INDIA
4 varnas
kshatriya ..physically strong , protect society
brahmin ..intellectually strong ,instructs and guides society
vaishya ..who are good at trade ..exchange ..business..
shudras ….people who are emotional , serve the society ..
no matter what qualities one have, all types of people are needed in culture/society .
no matter what qualities one have, all types of people are needed in culture/society .
To summarize
this quest ,I can say my mind exposed to many things in last 4 years which I was not aware about earlier ,and getting MY GITA as a self-help book , I am
more aware about each moment whenever I feel anxious ,frustrated or excited .
AND this
book brings immediate tranquility to my brain which helps me to keep going on
with life .